This service analyses the media visibility and reputation of public figures.
It outlines the emotional character of the conversations concerning these figures, analysing the mood and the sentiment that are generated in respect to particular statements, events, and issues with which they are associated.
Within the sphere of television, it examines direct appearances and indirect references to the personality, duration of discussions and subjects covered, and shifts in audience and specific target groups.

What can be monitored?

  • Business, public body and institutional representatives
  • Politicians
  • Brand ambassadors
  • Sportspeople
  • Personalities from the world of entertainment
  • Opinion leaders
  • Journalists


The service is used by public personalities to monitor their own media visibility and reputation, and that of others. It offers companies the right tools for monitoring their brand ambassadors and celebrity endorsements. It allows politicians and institutional representatives to follow shifts in public opinion in relation to specific statements or current issues. In addition, it makes it possible to establish that quotas for television appearances by political figures, as set by the relevant authorities, are respected.


  • Sources can be selected based on the client's requirements
  • Semantic analysis of conversations relating to the personality involved
  • Analysis of audience and target audience behaviour and audience share relating to the personality's television appearances
  • Option of automated transcription of spoken dialogue
  • Option of receiving direct and indirect references to the personality in near-real-time
  • The service can be applied to individual target groups or specific target audience groups that are of interest 

Data supplied

Complete, detailed reports on each appearance, in respect to:
  • Media type, source, date and time
  • Number of appearances/duration/length of dialogue in seconds
  • Details of each direct statement/indirect reference
Analysis of conversations relating to the personality, with visualisations of variation in buzz, mood and sentiment over time, integration of tags that indicate connections with significant events, and associated negative and positive perceptions.
Analysis of the sources of references to the personality, in both quantitative and qualitative terms.
On request:
  • Audience, audience share and target audience indicators for every television appearance
  • Visibility percentage in comparison with other personalities in the same sector
  • Digital archive of the subject's media appearances
Integration with other services
Speech capture | WOSM | Product placement | Topic | Custom analysis