Our twenty years of experience in the field, our integrative approach to media and the daily interpretation of millions of sources give us the edge over the competition.
Because of this, we are able to provide specialist analysis and customised consultancy services to help direct our clients with their marketing and communication strategies. We offer an objective viewpoint based on the cross-category interpretation of large quantities of information, an indispensable aid in designing, evaluating and assessing choices that affect your business and media presence.


Sports industry and sponsorship consultancy service

We analyse developments and international market trends in sport, sponsorship and marketing. Nobody has a better understanding of the opportunities available, the factors that make the difference, successful case histories and the direction the sector will take in the future.
We provide an integrated consultancy service that covers every aspects of our clients’ presence in the world of sport, from the development of sponsorship strategies that maximise return on investment, to the identification of new solutions for business implementation, visibility and brand recognition
  • Sponsorship: this service provides clear data on the sponsorship market, sponsorship agreements and the commercial impact of such investments. As such, it provides a powerful tool for reaching a client’s target audience. It carries out a pre-emptive comparison, in terms of return on investment, between a sponsorship agreement and other possible forms of marketing.  It also provides information on the current state of the sponsorship market: what direction is it taking, and what innovative and successful strategies are at play?
  • Brand exposure: a service that provides the tools to optimise a client’s media exposure and guidelines on how to improve branding readability, recognition and memorability as part of a brand exposure strategy. It uses quantitative indicators that express a brand’s recognition potential and qualitative indicators that express how it is perceived. This latter quality is evaluated independently in terms of the brand’s identifying characteristics, and in comparison to the competition. 
  • Arenas and stadiums: a comprehensive consultancy process that supports the client through every phase in the development of a regional plan, or project, concerned with sports infrastructure and facility design. It provides guidance through feasibility studies and analysis, and support in dealings with regional bodies, marketing strategy planning, sponsorship activities and the drafting of regulations and invitations to tender.

Analysis and confirmation of communication and marketing strategies

We work closely with our clients in the planning, implementation and optimisation of marketing and communication strategies, using a process of pre-emptive analysis and customised costings.
Pre-emptive analysis makes it possible to base each strategy (product, price, distribution and marketing) around realistically manageable objectives (qualitative, quantitative, positioning and target audience). Assessing benchmarks as they are reached, and analysing their position within the campaign, makes it possible to fine tune and optimise operations already in progress.
The result: better distribution of investments and maximisation of revenues.


Market and competitor research

Our twenty years of experience and our vast proprietary database allow us to offer our clients the right tools to identify the best consumers to target, plan an effective strategy and pre-empt the decisions of their competitors.
The extrapolation of media analysis information is integrated with exploratory (e.g. focus groups) and descriptive research methods (such as CATI for telephone interviews and CAWI for online interviews).
  • Market and competitors: our research identifies the main competitors and their strengths and weaknesses in terms of media, strategies and previous communication and marketing investments. It also analyses the sector in question, tracking its changes and trends and revealing available opportunities.
  • Consumers: we also study consumers, their consumption and purchasing habits and their level of satisfaction with a product (customer satisfaction). We also analyse social dynamics, trends and sociocultural changes. This offers marketing professionals the right tools for shaping brand position and planning specific marketing strategies for key target markets.

Media consultancy

We organise strategic consultancy plans that enable the client to achieve an effective media presence. 
  • Media Platform: the investigative process assists the client in choosing the most effective communication channel for promoting and marketing a particular product, event, personality or brand to its target market.
  • Advertising: examines how appealing and effective an advertising campaign is, and how much it sticks in the mind. It offers an insight into how an advert’s positioning within a commercial break can be optimised and how to access the product placement market effectively. The data supplied includes GRP and ROI figures. Pre-emptive analysis is available on request, which identifies the most effective medium to reach a particular target audience and other communication objectives. It is followed up by a brand exposure study.
  • Events: research that identifies the events in each country or geographical area that best attract the attention of the target group. This facilitates an understanding of which target groups follow which events most closely.

Analysis of the audiovisual market

Technical research projects focused on media analysis are part of our core activity. 
Among these are:
  • Audience: minute by minute audience analysis of national and international broadcasts; audience profiles and target audience shifts within monitored programmes and broadcasts. Tools for planning communication strategies around key target audiences.
  • Broadcaster: analysis of television categories, classification of TV formats, analysis of advertising and editorial contexts, reports on the programming of general and thematic broadcasters (SAT and DTT).
  • Schedules: schedule planning, analysis of the schedule position of programmes, programming strategy and channel migration.

Monitoring of broadcast rights adherence

We devise strategic consultancy services to evaluate and manage the enforcement of television broadcast rights. This service provides the client with a complete overview of television broadcast rights adherence, including detailed, certified documentation of all infractions, as well as support with eventual legal action.